
Tuesday 26 November 2013

How to Fix a Print Spooler

How to Fix a Print Spooler

If you see print spooler error every time you try to print something and restarting print spooler service won't help - here is some useful info on how to fix it on your own.


  1. 1
    Press "Windows" + R buttons on your keyboard and type 'cmd' without quotes.
  2. 2
    In opened window type 'net start spooler' without quotes and look carefully what message you have.
    • If it is Error 1068 "The dependency service or group failed to start" then type the following in the same window: sc config spooler depend= RPCSS (there must be a space after "=" but not before it.)
    • If it is "The required service has been already started" or "The print spooler service started successfully" but you still get error when trying to print - go next.
  3. 3
    Remove your old printer drivers, then stop print spooler service.
  4. 4
    Locate files spooler files spoolsv.exe and spoolss.dll in system32 folder.
  5. 5
    Download this files from dll archive site from the web or copy from your friends PC.
  6. 6
    Replace files in system32 folder with downloaded ones.
  7. 7
    Start print spooler and install latest drivers downloaded from the web.



  • Try Microsoft Spooler Fix It - it can redeem some types of spooler errors.
  • Use HP Print Diagnostic Utility for HP printers.
  • Small tricks that can help in fixing issue:
    • press win r on your keyboard
    • type in "regedit" without quotes
    • locate this tree node HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Spooler
    • to the right-hand side of the window locate “imagepath” icon
    • double-click on it and type in C:\WINDOWS\system32\spoolsv.exe
    • press enter
    • reboot

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