
Sunday 17 November 2013

How to Turn off the Android Dialpad Sounds

Android touch responses such as for the dialpad can provide good feedback for whether you've entered a key correctly or not. But they can also be inconvenient at certain times- you can shut them off in your Android settings screen.


  1. 1
    Hit the menu button in Android. Select "System settings."
  2. 2
    Select the "Sound" option for dealing with Android sounds.
  3. 3
    Uncheck where it says "Dial pad touch tones" under the "System heading" in the "Sound" screen.
  4. 4
    Click on "Volumes" if you'd rather make the dialpad noise softer instead of turning it off.
  5. 5
    Hit the knob next to "ringtone." Slide it right or left based on how loud you want the sound to be. You'll hear your ringtone go off to give you an idea as to volume.

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